Thursday, April 1, 2010

ingredients of Tao: the Pattern that Connects

What pattern connects the crab to the lobster
and the orchid to the primrose,
and all the four of them to me?
And me to you?
And all the six of us to the amoeba in one direction
and to the schizophrenic in another?

Mind and Nature, 1979
Singular figure of the scientist, one that has made this kind of questions and much more singular person who devoted his life searching for answers. Gregory Bateson was this type of scientist: impatient with all academic forms, he devoted himself to mess up things rather than to order them. Bateson with his work forces us to rethink the whole, to relate what is theoretically correct relationship, leads us to a new and different perspective on things. "Draw the lines of an ecology of mind is to lay the foundations for a science that still does not exist as organic corpus of theory or knowledge," writes in the opening of Steps to an Ecology of Mind, his most known and appreciated book. And that is precisely what Bateson tried to do for a lifetime: to put on the table of the most seemingly unrelated questions, like "bilateral symmetry of an animal, the structural arrangement of the leaves in a plant, the subsequent amplification of the arms race the practices of courtship, the nature of the game, the grammar of a sentence, the mystery of biological evolution and the crisis in which we found the relationship between man and environment. " This is the core, the heart of the search for Bateson: the attempt to discover, describe, systematize the "pattern that connects."

Multifaceted figure of a scholar, he devoted himself during life to multiple disciplines: biology, anthropology, psychology, ethology, so as to make himself the author of a singularly innovative thinking. The formation of Bateson owes much to his father. Biologist William Bateson was a very well known, to him it must, inter alia, the term "genetics". Gregory Bateson graduated in natural sciences and, as in the best traditions in the footsteps of Darwin reached the Galapagos to seal his apprenticeship biologist. Later he devoted himself to anthropology and met and married Margaret Mead with which he led the fieldwork in the island of Bali. Collaborated with the Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Clinic in San Francisco for a study of the psychiatric community. In the years that followed deepened communication studies, addressing in particular the behavior and communication of otters and seals in contexts of play. Created its own working group with whom he developed the theory of "double bind." The findings of this group, particularly on family communication and the genesis of schizophrenia will be very important and will inspire more research, laying the foundations of family systems therapy. Its vicissitudes sospinsero him down to Hawaii where he worked on the language of dolphins. All these experiences led him to mature his ideas and then condense to an Ecology of mind that will bring the first official recognition. And hence its tremendous ability to relate the various fields of its object of study to make a figure so exceptional.

In 1972, Bateson published his most famous book, Steps to an ecology of mind, which sought to rethink the human condition. There had thickened studies of a life, his reflections on schizophrenia, on animal and human communication and cybernetics. It is in this book that deals with those who will be the themes of his thought, an attempt to delineate the "connecting structure" that underlies all his work. Research that attempts to systematize definitely Bateson in Mind and Nature published in 1979, a few months before his death. Bateson for each biological organism has the ability to learn, think and decide. If epistemology is the way in which individual organisms and assemblies of living organisms know, think and decide, then everything is epistemology, all is process knowledge. Bateson has devoted his life to finding a property that connects the man to other living organisms and living organisms to the environment. Enemy of all rigid dualism, it was increasingly convinced of the centrality of the relationship. Liquid Descartes because his allegations were "simply shattered the universe in which we live." For Bateson the self is not separated from others and from the context, everything is interconnected, interdependent. Man is part of the whole, it is a key component, an organic piece of the universe. And, like any part of a cybernetic epistemology and is able to influence anything, but is not able to control everything. Along with a number of scholars such as Norbert Wiener, John von Neumann, Claude Shannon, Warren McCulloch and others from life to "Macy Conferences" and cybernetic theory that attempts to explain the behavior and dynamics of complex biological systems. Bateson was defined above all a "stir of ideas," but it was also the author of some real breakthroughs as the theory of "double bind" that has permission to look at it another way the problem of schizophrenia. In the latter part of his life, when he was seriously ill, he wrote, along with Mary Catherine, daughter, where angels hesitate. The unity of nature which he allegedly opened up the field to a series of reflections that were the land par excellence of religion. "His thoughts," wrote the daughter, "was understandable perhaps only with the kind of metaphors to which we have used the religion." Atheist training, Bateson realized that he was venturing into dangerous territory, where it was easy to be misunderstood. Obviously, the scientist will be approached with caution, on the other hand, his work had led him to ask questions before which warned of having to field a wisdom and courage of a different type from that followed until then.
That was a major turning of its path of man and scientist

Freely adapted from an article by Louisa Sberlati

ingredients of Tao: Global Dynamics Processes

Process: a network of changes, exchanges, relationships, activities or actions all related together. A process takes place, or define, a system (system or framework of interaction), a set of entities (elements of the system) connected together through reciprocal relationships visible or defined by its observer. In the systems defined as complex the elements and inter-relationships between them belong to different types, describable or synthesized as system levels, or levels of complexity. Similarly processes that occur in a complex system are describable, or synthesized, into levels of complexity of the process. The broader context of description in which it occurs, or apply, a process is called matrix of the process.

Dynamic:(as opposed to static); by its nature any process is inherently dynamic. A static process is one where the number and type of elements interconnected, the system of interaction, the type and number of interactions are defined and do not change. A dynamic process means a process where the number and type of inter-linked elements, the system(s) of interaction, the type and number of interactions and levels of complexity of the system(s) and process vary dynamically. A particular case of dynamic process is a meta-process, a process of processes, where the elements of interaction are both elements of the system, systems and processes.

Global (as opposed to local and universal), a process by which the system of interaction is the entire planet.

The greatest possible example of GDPs, or better than UDPs, is the Te of Tao, the realization of Tao in the universe, a ...-meta-meta-meta-meta-... dynamic universal process with infinite levels on infinite systems and infinite elements which lasts from about 13 billion years and whose matrix is the indescribable and unknowable Tao:

The Tao that can be trodden is not the enduring and unchanging Tao.
The name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name.
Having no name, it is the originator of Heaven and Earth;
Having a name, it is the Mother of all things.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Introduction to Tao

The reason of this blog arises from the thesis that the current historical period coincides with what is defined in the indian mitology KaliYuga, an age (Yuga) of destruction and death dominated by the hindu demon Kali.

The souces of KaliYuga are those here are defined as Global Dynamics Process (GDPs), processes at different levels of complexity that affect the entire planet. The GDPs had as precondition the social and scientific revolutions of 600 and 700, began with the industrial revolution of 800, were fully expanding during 900 and will become irreversible within this century.

The three most important GDPs of Kaliyuga, linked together, are the growth and global overpopulation, the depletion of environmental resources and the destruction of the earth ecosystem.

For a description of KaliYuga two instruments will be used here apparently antipodes as language and cultural context: the concept of Connecting Pattern proposed by Gregory Bateson in the 70's and the Tao Te Ching, the classic text that is regarded as one of the peaks of Chinese thought.

The Pattern which Connects is a meta-description (description of description) of meta-models (models of models) developed within the cybernetic and systemic movement after World War II, and one of the basic ideas for the subsequent development of second cybernetics. As such it is considered to be the pinnacle of modern scientific thought.

The Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) is a short text of about 5000 characters composed of 81 chapters historically attributed to Lao Tzu, believed born around 570 BC, and his disciple Chuang Tzu. Actually it is considered that it was composed by at least five visionaries, including at least two women, in a period between 700 and 400 BC. It is to be regarded as one of the greatest gifts to humanity.

Millenarian myths of the end of the world are therefore becoming a reality. The responsibility lies with the so-called "men of power”, first of all priests and politicians, then of multinational executives, but the real blame belongs to those who gave them this power, therefore all of us.

The terrible paradox underlying this situation never occurred before in human history is that the knowledge, technologies and processes that are leading to the Kaliyuga are the same that could bring the planet to be a real paradise, but certainly not for the 6 billion people of today, while for the 10 billion of 2040 it will be a hell for sure.

prologue to Tao: first quantum leap

Behind every man now alive stand thirty ghosts, for that is the ratio by which the dead outnumber the living. Since the dawn of time, roughly a hundred billion human beings have walked the planet Earth.
Now this is an interesting number, for by a curious coincidence there are approximately a hundred billion stars in our local universe, the Milky Way. So for every man who has ever lived, in this Universe there shines a star.

The drought had lasted now for ten million years, and the reign of the terrible lizards had long since ended. Here on the Equator, in the continent which would one day be known as Africa, the battle for existence had reached a new climax of ferocity, and the victor was not yet in sight. In this barren and desiccated land, only the small or the swift or the fierce could flourish, or even hope to survive.