Friday, September 27, 2013

Tao Paradoxico-Philosophicus 7-8

    Un dieu donne le feu     
     Pour faire l'enfer;      
      Un diable, le miel     
       Pour faire le ciel.  


7 An observer observing itself: this leads to the following dilemma:
7.01 From a logical perspective, an observer may observe itself, either at the same location but at different instants (emergence of time), or at the same instant but at different locations (emergence of space).
7.1 An observer observing itself at the same instant and location (a paradoxical, unpredictable observer) reveals a paradox with no logical solution.
7.2 This observer offers a paradoxical context from where the same or other observers, adopting a logical perspective, may extract or deduce distinctions, and then more distinctions from those distinctions treated as new paradoxical contexts so that the world “out there” for these observers slowly emerges.
7.3 The logical observer: consider an observer that adopts only a logical perspective and hence only extracts or deduces distinctions from a paradoxical context and allowed by the logic chosen, such as considering other observers as paradoxical or logical.
7.4 The paradoxical observer: consider an observer that adopts a paradoxical and logical perspective and makes tentative distinctions in a paradoxical context considering all possibilities, such as considering other observers as paradoxical and logical.

8 Living organism: consider an organization that produces and maintains itself as an organizationally closed unity that defines its cognitive domain and that:
8.01 as a paradoxical observer interacts with, and makes tentative distinctions in its own paradoxical context (the living organism and its cognitive domain).
8.02 as a logical observer distinguishes itself from its own cognitive domain as a processor whose space and time emerge together with this same distinction and from which it extracts or deduces further distinctions.
8.1 A living organism, as a paradoxical observer, interacts with and tentatively distinguishes the self-producing organization of a living organism maintaining its organizational closure through a closed network of processes (tentative events in time) that produce components (tentative objects in space) and that continuously regenerate the network of processes.
8.2 A living organism, as a logical observer, may extract distinctions from a paradoxical context, but may not act as a paradoxical observer.
8.3 A living organism, as a paradoxical observer, may act as a paradoxical observer and as a logical observer.
8.4 A living organism, even without a nervous system, defines and supports its own cognitive domain and cognition.

Tractatus Paradoxico-Philosophicus

A Philosophical Approach to Education
Un Acercamiento Filosófico a la Educación
Une Approche Philosophique à l'Education
Eine Philosophische Annäherung an Bildung

Ricardo B. Uribe

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Tao Paradoxico-Philosophicus 5-6